Sunday, August 22, 2010

Teaching LOTS of kids yoga! I started with box jumps, squats and push-ups.
Then we did some yoga. Kids love this. You pretend like your blowing up a balloon, walking back with each breath and then POP! and fall down.
I'm a dork with the laughing yoga. I just think its so funny. 
There are clubs all over the world where 100's of people get together and laugh.
Its very therapeutic.  I can't believe i got kindergartners to 6th graders to all participate!
Haven't had much luck with adults.=)

1 comment:

shannon said...

I've seen those laughing groups on TV before. I don't think I could do it either. Interesting that Kids will totally do it and adults are just to embarassed to. Says a lot about growing up and what it does to you.