Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm so excited! I had Brynly on a waiting list for Montessori and they got her in the day before school started. Grace got into the first grade class too.
WHAT IS IT? People always ask me.
Well heres what the girls told me about their first week.
"mom its just like we are playing while we are learning".
"we get to decide what we want to do"
Brynly and Grace are a lot like me.... a little absent minded and easily distracted. They love that they don't have to sit in a desk and listen to lecture. The classes are K-3 and 4-6. The kids learn from each other and are able to progress quickly as they are ready.
I've switched Brynly around to probably 4 schools through-out elementary. She does fine. At Franklin she had to stay in for recess to make up for not knowing phonograms almost everyday. She made friends and learned a lot as much as she dreaded going. (I switched her after 3 months- she was way ahead of her 4th grade classmates when she went back-she realized how much she learned there but it wasn't a good fit for her personality)
Trake is like Eric- he did awesome in Franklin and has always had very strict male teachers (all but 2nd grade) He likes structure and knowing exactly what he's supposed to do. He got the same teacher he had last year - Mr. Roche. We love him! He has 36 kids in his class which kills me but he says its fine.

Get this- in order for the public school to have a Montessori program they have to meet all kinds of guidelines. The school had to plant a garden, classes must have windows, the classes are small with a aide, Brynly had to bring in a flashdrive so she could put her computer work on it (Trake is older and had no idea what a flashdrive was used for). The materials are ridiculously expensive.  Why can't they do that for the regular classes?? I love that they are at the same school too.
I knew this is the only way they would get more individual attention without having to go to a charter school.
Watch the video for a little description of the program.

1 comment:

sarahtuckett said...

Yay for Mr. Roche..... He helped make Ryan what he is today. He is an awesome teacher!