Friday, March 19, 2010

I can't keep up on all the blogging stuff but ill try... Check out Trake. Hes' 10 here. I had him work with my Olympic lifting coach and it really helped his form.
I did my annual St. Patty Party at my Tough kids class.
Irish Street Bowling. You get 3 chances to throw the ball (6pd) and whoever goes the farthest wins. Its really a sport...promise.

like my st pattys day costume? this is the bottom portion of a SNATCH...freaking hard ex and my Oly coach yelled at me last class...NICE JOB SARAH! I did a bunch more and they all sucked but I got 1! this is big. picture a Italian guy who never compliments anyone. i was really excited.=)
I'm taking a Olympic lifting class at MCC 3 days a week because I really needed to get the technique down better.

It will soon be a garage gym. crap. Black floors. Motivational says like..."The only Easy Day Was Yesterday....etc Pull-ups bars, kettlebells, olympic lifting platform, plyometeric boxes.
I'll use it for kids classes and one on one clients.
BUT Eric says I have to use all the money I make working at the Crossfit gym to pay for it.
So it'll be a work in progress.
If I can make enough to just pay for my hobby - I'll be happy.

Foam Roller battle.
I'm on Facebook a fair amount. and I have other


Teagan said...

WOW! where are you putting all your stuff from the garage. Thats amazing. I dont think I could have an empty garage if I tried. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!

nevedobson said...

i LOVE lifting! i did it all through high school and college.

i used to lift at the mcc gym for a class and i would get creeped out by this coach that was always staring at me. one day he approached me and wanted to know if i would be interested in competition lifting. of course i laughed at him and declined but kind of wish i would have taken him up on it.

can't wait to see what your garage gym ends up looking like and i can't wait till the end of this summer when i can start up whatever class/fitness routine you've got going then. the swimming looks honestly fun!

Kara Jones said...

big typo in your post. sorry i am a typo nazi. pound abbreviation is lb. not pd. you must be so tired all the time woman. surely that explains the gross typo.